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We added the UML4AS - UML for ActionScript and Flex roadmap to the documentation section. The first milestone release, v. 1.0.0.M0 will be available tomorrow.

2 new articles with documentation (for CodeSync and diagrams) have been added in the documentation section.

Take a look!


The UML4AS - UML for ActionScript and Flex team is very happy to announce that the first public alpha version is available. Please see the download section (please register to be able to download).

We have written some preliminary doc that should help you for installing and starting to use UML4AS - UML for ActionScript and Flex. Please use our forum for any questions, bugs, new features, impressions, etc.


We have just published a new sneak peek video describing the CodeSync technology. The CodeSync technology is the key element that makes UML4AS - UML for ActionScript and Flex developer friendly. Watch it here.

Regarding the release of the Public Alpha version: it was initially planned for end of April. However we decided to refactor a section of the tool and include it in the first public version. The new planned release date of the first Public Alpha is mid May.


We have added 2 new screenshots: one with the CodeSync Differences window and the other one with the Filter Compartments window.

The FAQ has been updated, but more items will follow.

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